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MindStudio Custom AI Application and Automation Builder - Custom Platform (Freemium) Business AI
MindStudio Custom AI Application and Automation Builder - Custom Platform (Freemium) Business AI
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Please note this is third party submitted AI. We offer no legal guarantees for the ability or pricing and on the changes the creator makes (e.g. changes to a paid model etc. or abilities). At the time of posting, the provided information is correct.
'Transform the way you use AI
Rapidly build custom AI applications and automations — no coding required. Easily mix and match the latest models from OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Mistral, Meta, and more.
Build your own tools with no code
Easily and rapidly create production-ready AI tools that transform the way you work. Start from scratch or choose from hundreds of templates.
Create powerful automations
Accelerate manual workflows with custom automations. Generate images, search the web, connect to third-party APIs and data sources, and more.
Choose the right model for each step
Access the latest models from providers like OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Mistral, and Meta, and others. With the MindStudio profiler, instantly compare models side-by-side to choose the right model for each step of your workflow.
Run MindStudio on-premise or in a private cloud server and leverage private AI models.
Use your own data
Upload all kinds of data (txt, pdf, csv, html, anything textual) to automatically augment your AI application, increasing accuracy and reducing hallucination. MindStudio is the easiest way to implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).
Run MindStudio workflows via API
Connect your MindStudio AIs to thousands of SaaS and other applications. Easily create triggers in Zapier, Make, and other platforms to call MindStudio AIs via API.
Integrate with your other apps
Build MindStudio AIs that connect to your email, calendar, Slack, and thousands of other apps you already use. Extend the capabilities of MindStudio with JavaScript.'
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